Hey Duggee

Hey Duggee, premiered on BBC in 2015, is an animation for pre-school children. The protagonist Duggee is a big loveable dog who runs “The Squirrel Club” for pre-schoolers. Every day, the children learn by completing different tasks that earn them different squirrel activity badges and hugs from Duggee! This allows children to enjoy learning and adventures through hands-on experiences, thus inspires them to have fun, to explore new things in the world around them, and to actively solve problems.

Hey Duggee has been broadcasted in more than 20 countries around the world and has always been loved by young boys and girls, making it a truly gender-neutral pre-school education programme. The animation, in briefly few years of broadcasting, has already won several international awards. Most notably, Hey Duggee is consecutively the winner of three awards in the children’s category at the 2018 British Academy of Film and Television Arts, namely Pre-school Animation in 2018, Digital in 2018 and Director in 2018.

Not only has Hey Duggee garnered international attention, the animation has been broadcasted online in China since 2017, and has reached 2.3 billion views in just a year, making it the rising star of British pre-school animation. The third season of the animation was launched in 2019! At present, the cartoon has been broadcast on CCTV on December 26, 2019!

Hey Duggee has a wide range of licensed products, in which publications, toys and apparels have received worldwide popularity from children. Hey Duggee’s licencing has officially kicked off in China, join in now to meet all the new opportunities brought by this pre-school brand.

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